Amid suppression, Egypt heads to the polls

Video & written story originally published by Global Post on November 28, 2010: CAIRO, Egypt – As Egyptians head to the polls today to elect a new lower house of parliament for the first time since 2005, many are already questioning its legitimacy after incidents of intimidation and other abuses by the government of President Hosni Mubarak. A total of 508 seats … Read More

Amid suppression, Egypt heads to the polls

Video & written story originally published by Global Post on November 28, 2010: CAIRO, Egypt – As Egyptians head to the polls today to elect a new lower house of parliament for the first time since 2005, many are already questioning its legitimacy after incidents of intimidation and other abuses by the government of President Hosni Mubarak. A total of 508 seats … Read More

Egypt looks to muffle the clamor of Cairo’s mosques

Story originally published by Global Post on September 5, 2010: CAIRO, Egypt – Several hours before the first light breaks through the smog-filled skies above this sprawling capital city, Sheikh Ayman Gamal begins his days the same way. “Allahu Akbar [God is great]! There is no God but Allah, and Mohamed is his prophet,” he cries into … Read More

Demise of a modern-day pharaoh

  Story published March 26, 2010 by Global Post: CAIRO, Egypt — Stocks in Egypt tumbled when anxiety-ridden investors heard the news. President Hosni Mubarak had checked into a hospital in Germany for a minor surgery, but on the streets of Cairo, there was speculation he was seriously ill, maybe even dead. It wasn’t Mubarak’s … Read More