Egypt’s Christians uphold tattoo tradition

October 14, 2009 No Comments

In a tiny shack on the outskirts of Cairo, 8-year-old Abenoub is set to undergo a unique right of passage. This young Christian is about to get his first tattoo – a Coptic cross. Originally published by Global Post on October 14, 2009.

Stars Shine at Cairo International Film Festival

September 30, 2009 No Comments

In 2008, Susan Sarandon, Charlize Theron, Kurt Russell, Alicia Silverstone and other Hollywood celebrities came to Cairo to celebrate the art of film. Join Daily News Egypt on the red carpet of the 2008 Cairo International Film Festival. Story originally published by Daily News Egypt on September 30, 2008.

Smog blankets Egypt’s World Cup

September 28, 2009 No Comments

Officials are hoping that Egypt will take the fans’ breaths away as it hosts its first under-20 World Cup. But that’s the problem – it very well might.  Jon Jensen investigates Cairo’s infamous ‘black cloud’. Originally published by Global Post on September 28, 2009.  

Volunteers Prep for Egypt’s U-20 World Cup

September 12, 2009 No Comments

With the FIFA U-20 World Cup in Egypt this month, Daily News Egypt goes behind-the-scenes at the volunteer headquarters. Follow us as we look into what it takes to pull off such a massive event.  Originally produced for Daily News Egypt on September 12, 2009.

Chinese Ramadan Lanterns in Egypt

August 23, 2009 No Comments

It’s Ramadan again in Egypt. And nothing symbolizes the fun and festivity of the holy month like the fenous, or lantern. But now, a flood of Chinese imports is threatening the traditional fenous.  Originally published by Daily News Egypt on August 23, 2009.

Street Cats in Cairo – Now on PBS

July 22, 2009 No Comments

The ‘Street Cats in Cairo‘ story we produced for Global Post was picked up by PBS’ world affairs news program World Focus. Check it out online and on your local PBS television station.

From Gods to Garbage Dwellers

July 21, 2009 1 Comment

For street cats in Cairo, it’s a rough life. Once a sacred symbol of ancient Egypt, many cats here are now scraping by, struggling to survive.  Originally published by Global Post (and later PBS World Focus) on July 21, 2009.

Glassblower in Egypt

July 8, 2009 No Comments

Shaping molten glass is more than an art. The modern craft often involves tough working conditions and has been affected by a rise in material costs. Originally published by Daily News Egypt on July 8, 2009.

A Trip to Cairo’s Friday Market

July 8, 2009 1 Comment

Every Friday in the capital of Egypt, Cairo, there is a sprawling market where you can find just about anything — as long as you don’t mind that it may have been used.  Originally published by Global Post (and later PBS World Focus) on July 8, 2009.

Aswan, Egypt – Sights & Sounds

June 28, 2009 No Comments

Sail down the Nile River to Aswan, the center of Nubian culture and southernmost city in Egypt. Originally published by Daily News Egypt on June 28, 2009.